Children born in 2012 are eligible for Junior Kindergarten and children born in 2011 are eligible for Senior Kindergarten.

Click the “Register for Kindergarten” image on the left menu of our website for all the WRDSB information, registration forms, and information packages.


Queen Elizabeth’s Kindergarten Registration is from Monday, February 8 to Friday, February 12. Appointments can be booked during the following times:

8:30 AM – 11:30 PM and 12:00 – 3:30 PM

Please bring the following:

  1. a) Birth Certificate and/or Permanent Residence Card
  2. b) Immunization Card
  3. c) A bill or lease agreement with your current address

Please call the school office at 519-578-3910 to book an appointment!

Welcome to Queen Elizabeth P.S.!