Dear Parents,

During the winter months, students go outside twice during the school day and need to be dressed warmly for our Ontario weather.

Recently we have received donations of winter coats, mitts, scarves, boots and snow pants. They are in very good condition. If your child is in need of any of the above items, we invite you to come to the school from 8:30-9:30 a. m or from 2:30-3:15 p.m each day. Our Seasonal Concert is Dec. 22 beginning at 12 noon. From 11:30 a.m onward would also be a good time to come and have a look. There is also a variety of sweatshirts, jeans and additional items. You are welcome to help yourself to anything that fits and your child needs. We do have some adult sized men and women’s outwear available.


We have a variety of long sleeved shirts, jeans and hoodies. Families are welcome to take items they are in need of.