Get Ready For Our Holiday Concerts!

Our Children are preparing for our Holiday Concerts.  We hope you will be able to attend! Grade 1-6 Concerts will be held on December 16 and 17th starting at noon,  Parents are welcome to join us on ONE of these days. Kindergarten Concert will be held on December 17th starting at 2:15 p.m.

It’s We Day in Waterloo Region

You can watch the event live:

Read more about It’s We Day in Waterloo Region »

School Council Meeting This Wednesday

Our next School Council meeting is this Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.   All parents of Q.E. students are welcome to join us!

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Just a reminder that Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place Thursday night and Friday morning this week.  There is still time to book an appointment with your child’s teacher.  You can call the school or send a note in your child’s planner to book an appointment.  We look forward to seeing you soon!

Chocolate Bar Campaign Has Ended!

Our chocolate bar campaign officially ended on October 31st!  Please return all money and unsold chocolate to the office ASAP.  We need to wrap up our campaign and return all unsold chocolate for rebate by the end of the week.  Prizes will be awarded once all chocolate is returned!  Thank you to all who supported […]

Chocolate Bar Campaign Continues

We have 10 more days left in our Chocolate Bar Campaign…all money and extra chocolate bars should be returned by October 31st!!  All proceeds will help to subsidize field trips, special events and technology purchases at the school.  Keep selling those chocolate bars!  There will be lots of great prizes awarded to all who sell […]

Five Days Left in the Chapters Adopt-A-School Program!

We have been adopted by Chapters (on Gateway Park Drive)!  Check us out on their website and support us either by adopting our school (a FREE option) or making a donation.  We are so lucky to have this incredible opportunity to raise funds to purchase birthday books and home reading books!  The link to our […]

P.D. Day on Friday, September 19th!

There will be “no school for students” on Friday, September 19th.  Q.E. staff will be taking part in professional development activities!  We look forward to seeing our students back on Monday, September 22nd!

School Council Meets On September 17th

Our first School Council meeting will take place on September 17th at 7:00 p.m.  All parents are welcome!  

Our 2014-2015 School Year Begins!

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September 2nd!  Staff will be out on the tarmac at 8:35 a.m. in their orange vests ready to greet students and to help them find their teacher for this school year.  The bell will ring at 8:50 a.m. so please be prompt!  Our school day ends this year […]

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